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Déesse Ornée
~Adorned Goddess~

Every Goddess deserves handmade intentional gifts that are made with love

The traditional culture of waist beads in Africa varied from society to society in the country. Commonalities amongst the varying cultures are for reasons of Femininity, Fertility, Sensuality, Protection, & reverence for the beauty of the womb. 


In today’s western society waist beads can be a way for individuals to connect to their heritage. Waist beads are also used to gauge weight/body related goals, improve self image by way of adorning & accepting your body just the way that it is, and even as a fashion accessory. Even in these less traditional intentions, waist beads have become a powerful tool in the spiritual and healing journey of many women. 


Regardless of your personal reason for diving into the beautiful adornment of waist beads the commonality that goes to the root of each strand of beads is that one must set their intention. Whether the intention is to love yourself more, lose inches, or to adorn your midsection on your personal acceptance journey you should feel empowered when wearing your beads. 


Waist Beads are intended to be worn until cut off. There are some gifted hands that make beads with clasps for temporary wear as well. (We currently are only making traditionally created strands of beads meant to be tied onto the waist) 

When you decide to start wearing waist beads (and other body adornment pieces) remember to ground yourself before you begin your search to find the right string of beads that speak to you. You want to go with your gut and get the beads that you are drawn to due to the color, design, etc. When you select your beads remember to think on the intention and your goals for that string of beads. When placing your beads on your waist you want to take deep breaths, think on your intentions & goals, and focus on embracing the next part of your journey. Every time you see yourself in the mirror or you look down at those beads you want to remember those intentions. Be proud of yourself, see just how beautiful you are, think on how far you have come, and how far you will go. 


Thank you for making us a part of your journey

We wish you well on your journey of intentions


Traditional measurement & waistbead locations

Waist beads are traditionally worn in one of three locations on the midsection. The image to the left are those three locations. When measuring for your beads you want to measure very carefully in these places with a measuring tape. You want to keep in mind your intent for wearing your beads. If you plan to wear your beads outside of your clothing to be fashionable the most comfortable location will be the high hip & hip area. You may wear as many beads as you desire anywhere within your midsection. When measuring and tying your beads on you want to keep in mind your desired placement.

When choosing your size during ordering be sure to choose the option that will be at minimum two inches longer than your actual measurement 

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